
Posts Tagged ‘food revolution’

I just wanted to write a short post about a television series you may have already heard of called “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution,” debuting Friday, March 26 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.  You can read all about the program on Jamie’s website: http://www.jamieoliver.com/campaigns/jamies-food-revolution/petition, but in a nutshell, it’s a show about changing our kids’ school lunches, getting back in touch with our food, and keeping our cooking skills alive.  If you can’t tell from my previous posts, those are things that are extremely important to me and I am thrilled that they are getting mainstream attention.  As I’m sure you’re aware, health-care reform was a big to-do this week.  But you know what? If we take better care of ourselves and our children now, starting with the quality of the food we eat, we may not be so concerned with health care in the future.  Why? Because we’ll have fewer illnesses and less need for health care!  Wouldn’t that be fantastic?!?   We simply have to take responsibility for ourselves and treat our bodies and our kids’ bodies with the respect they deserve.  It’s that simple.

There’s a petition on Jamie’s site that I strongly urge you to consider signing, as he is bringing it to Washington after the series airs to show the President and the First Lady just how many Americans are devoted to feeding themselves and their children better food.

So, join a revolution!  Sign Jamie’s petition and watch “Food Revolution” on Friday night, March 26 at 9:00 p.m EST on ABC.

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